Legacy Gifts
Remembering Eastern Illinois Foodbank in your will or living trust is often the most meaningful way to leave a legacy. We welcome your support in this regard but we also recommend that you seek advice from a legal or financial professional of your choosing regarding your decision to make such a bequest. We then suggest the following language for your advisor if you would like to make a bequest to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank:
[I give][The trustee shall distribute] to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank, located at 2405 North Shore Drive, Urbana, IL, 61802, [cash amount or percentage of net estate] to provide funding for [general operational purposes][the Foodmobile program].

If you would prefer to leave an in-kind gift to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank (either tangible personal property or real estate), we encourage you or your legal advisor to contact us at 217-328-3663.